We had a "weather event" on Monday December 12th 2022 - a short, sharp and vicious snow storm. Some snow fell earlier in the day, but until lunchtime it wasn't really anything to get excited about.... Then it turned nasty, and somewhat surreal. The Shetland Power Outage of December 2022 The snow became heavier and had a peculiar "sticky wetness" about it, causing it to cover roads quickly. More significantly it started to cling to overhead power lines, building rapidly and freezing on the lines causing them to begin to fail as the strong wind began to blow the thickened and heavily weighted lines to break under the strain. I'll ignore the specific sequence of events of my day, as I'm more interested here in the longer term consequences of the snow storm rather then the "excitement" of the day's drama. We eventually got home after a 4 hour journey in very poor weather, with bad roads (and not a few poor drivers, unused or unable to drive in snow) to…