John's Vademecum

Try to learn something about everything, and everything about something -Thomas Huxley “Darwin's bulldog” (1824-1895)

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public:radio:jre_and_echolink_proxy [30/09/22 11:58 BST] – created johnpublic:radio:jre_and_echolink_proxy [26/04/23 14:44 BST] (current) – removed john
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-====== Java JRE and Echolink Proxy ====== 
-==== Setting up Echolink Proxy on VPS ==== 
-<code bash> 
-sudo apt-get install default-jre-headless 
-sudo apt-get install unzip 
-chmod 755 EcholinkProxy.jar 
-vi ELProxy.conf  
-and set new password 
-=== VPS Firewall === 
-on fasthost control panel open  
-==== Start Proxy ==== 
-''java -jar EcholinkProxy.jar'' 
-<code bash> 
-gm4slv@gm4slv:~$ java -jar EchoLinkProxy.jar 
-EchoLink Proxy version 1.2.3 
-Listening for connections on port 8100 
-Ready for new client connection. 
-Client connected: 
-Client authenticated (call=GM4SLV). 
-This runs and works okay. 
-==== Start in tmux ==== 
-<file bash> 
-tmux start-server 
-tmux new-session -d -s $session 
-tmux rename-window "echolink" 
-tmux selectp -t 0 
-tmux send-keys "java -jar /home/gm4slv/EchoLinkProxy.jar" C-m 
-add ''crontab'' to start ''@reboot'' 
-''@reboot sleep 30 && sudo -u gm4slv /home/gm4slv/ > /dev/null 2>&1'' 
-==== Page Info ==== 
---- //John Pumford-Green 04/06/22 07:26// 
-Page last updated: ~~LASTMOD~~ 
-{{tag>svxlink echolink linux radio}} 
public/radio/jre_and_echolink_proxy.1664535521.txt.gz · Last modified: 06/03/25 06:49 GMT (external edit)