===== Thu 20 July 2023 ===== * SFI = 189 A = 5 K = 1 * **IC-M710** - set up serial control and my own Python control panel - modelled somewhat loosely on the [[https://live.staticflickr.com/5225/5638543544_cccc6ab78a_b.jpg | Skanti TRP series control panel]] {{:public:radio:radio_diary:screenshot_at_2023-07-20_10-43-40.png?600|}} The **IC-M710** is a marine HF radio - SSB/CW/FSK - up to 150W. It's tuned by selecting pre-programmed channels, with separate RX & TX frequencies. There is no //VFO// tuning as we'd use it on the amateur bands - and this makes it awkward to use. {{:public:radio:radio_diary:m710.png?600|}} (There's a MIC plugged in mainly because the RX audio loops via 2 pins in the mic, so unless it's plugged in, or the link is made in another way, there's no RX audio!) I wrote a few different control programs in Python to make things a bit easier. This one seems to work ok. There's also a user-programmable bank of presets - presets can be added from the main control panel by pressing the **Store** button. {{:public:radio:radio_diary:screenshot_at_2023-07-20_10-57-13.png?600|}} * if I offset the RX tuning by +200Hz I can get a more pleasant 800Hz resolved CW tone. * I'll do something in the code to do this automatically when **CW** mode is selected. * **30m** * Heard **CQ** from **SM5OMP** and replied - with 60W from the IC-M710 & BVp * QSO with **SM5OMP** - Georgios - Skaerblacka - BVp - RSt * Using the M710 isn't going to be a frequent operation, but it's fun to do something different. There's no narrow CW filter - so it's 3kHz wide. The **QSK** works nicely though. The desktop with both M710 windows open: {{:public:radio:radio_diary:screenshot_at_2023-07-20_10-58-57.png?600|}} * **Period 2** : 2015z * IC-M710 @ 60W * **30m** : CQ call 10123kHz * Answered by **ON4KCD** - Claude - Liege - BVp/BVc - RSt+ - Age 63, ham 40 years, Begali key * Discovered major drawback with IC-M710 - not "single signal" CW reception due to SSB filter and the position of the BFO - during QSO on 10123kHz heard strong signal from **2E0ISD** on 10121kHz. Not good in crowded bands - I think using IC-M710 for CW is a bit of a dead loss, really. I've come to this conclusion every time I try it. Time to accept it, and move on. * Back to the IC-7200..... * **CQ** * Called by **EA1ARW** - Luis - nr Burgos - BVc - RCh - Age **46** - Nice long chat about keys, cooties, paddles, homemade keys, noise, QTHs, Summer & Winter in Shetland etc. Luis is on vacation away from his home QTH's urban noise and enjoying the bands noise-free.