===== Thu 27 July 2023 ===== * Have been thinking about building a K2 * I built one in 2006 but sold it, along with the K1 I'd built in 2003 * The K1 #1672 now lives with Will GM0HKS, in a new wooden enclosure [[https://gm0hks.weebly.com/shack-photos.html]] * I don't know where the K2 #5542 ended up, I'd love to find out where it is now.... * The K2 had several options : SSB / 160m & RX antenna port / 60m / Auto-ATU * I contacted Elecraft yesterday - the K2 is shown as "Back order, waiting parts" - to check that they aren't going to discontinue it and received a reply confirming that they have **no plans to discontinue it at present**. Kits //will// be available as soon as the parts arrive from suppliers - typical of the global problem with semiconductors at the moment. * I decided to "get in the queue" for back-orders and placed an online order for the basic K2 kit and the 160m/RX antenna port module. Sadly the 60m module is no longer produced, and I have no interest in using SSB or digimodes with this K2. I want it as a pure CW transceiver. * I've re-joined the Elecraft reflector [[https://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft]] * Looking at the archive, at June 2006, I see my own posts * announcing the arrival of my first K2 kit on June 8th 2006 [[https://mailman.qth.net/pipermail/elecraft/2006-June/056712.html]] * and announcing completion and first QSO on June 17th [[https://mailman.qth.net/pipermail/elecraft/2006-June/057085.html]] * I remember having fun building it, but I didn't realize I'd done it so quickly. * The next one will be done over a longer timescale, to enjoy the process more without rushing through it. * I plan to document the build - perhaps even with some YouTube videos. {{tag>radio k2}}