====== 2023 Radio Update ======
==== Internet Connected Radio ====
* I am going to avoid any radio modes/methods that **require** an internet connection. I feel more and more that amateur radio communication should be radio <-> radio only
* The Internet is useful as an "accessory" to the actual communication (spotting for WSPR, PSKReporter etc.), but I feel increasingly that it shouldn't be a necessary part of the communication itself, which should rely on RF alone.
* "Normal" Repeaters are okay - it's RF all the way: User <-> Repeater <-> User.
* No DMR Hotspot
* No Fusion/YSF Hotspot
* No AllStar Link
* No Echolink
==== Plans for the year ahead ====
* build 17m CW "phasing" RX
* build 17m CW TX - QRP 5W
* Work **MUCH MORE** CW using bug and straight key and Bencher Paddles - stay versatile!
* Try to have at least **one** CW QSO each day, within reason.
* Monitor 10m FM and try to have some QSOs - call CQ regularly - Gave up on this.
* Try to use higher bands (17/15/12/10) when they are open.
* Use 30m CW **OFTEN**
* Try to call **CQ** on 60m CW daily **5260kHz for UK and ~5355.0kHz for WARC-band countries**
* Re-join the local radio club and get more involved in their activities
* Take part in the 2023/4 [[http://www.arrl.org/straight-key-night | Straight Key Night ]]
* Upload a few more You Tube videos - incl. some "real time recordings" of CW QSOs
* Keep LOTW and Club-Log up to date
* Keep electronic Xlog up to date as well as logging everything in my paper logbook
* Elecraft K2 **(ordered - on Back Order - 27/7/23)**
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