===== Sat 15 July 2023 ===== * SFI = 181 A = 20 K = 2 * Flare : M2.9 @ 0741z - will condx be poor today? * **Period 1** : 2000z * 30m Beacon : **IZ3DVW/B** 10129.5 - peaking S3 on meter. Strong signal : 2020z * Replied to a **CQ** call sent by **DL4YHF** - "CQ TESTING INDOOR ANTENNA PSE K" - Wolf - nr. Bieldefeld - "we have worked before from club DF0WD a long time ago" - BVc - ~RCh * **CQ** 30m * RBN Spots * //10115.5: SE5E OH6BG TF3Y SM7IUN ES2RR DM6EE DL0PF G4HSO OE9GHV G4IRN S53WW DL8LAS DC8YZ CT7ANO G4ZFE DJ2BC TF4M HB9DCO IK4VET DR4W EA5WU RN4WA DF2CK DO4DXA ON6ZQ DM5GG HB9BXE (+ 20 more)// * Called by **UB3B** - Alex - Moscow - BVp / BVc - RSt * Replied to a **CQ** call sent by **M7NDB** - SKh - was strong, S9, and he came back to me and then faded away to NIL during his first over. Copied "op John qth Man...." and gone, nil, nada! * Listened on **40m** and heard a lot of **CQ TEST** from (mainly?) Spanish stations (2120z) - what contest? There's nothing listed on the **WA7BNM Contest Calendar** - where do all these contests come from? * QSY to **60m** * CQ **60m** 5260kHz * called by **G0GZN** - Lindy - Poole - BVp - RCh - discussed the heavy rain today, I apologized in case my Bug sounded like "a bag of spanners" and was told it didn't (phew!), her holiday in Cornwall and the Shetland TV Detective series. * I get worried using a bug with people who aren't "bug people" - they can be an acquired taste and when the "swing" is exaggerated can be very difficult to read unless "it's your thing". I try to make my sending as "neutral" as possible, without hiding the fact that it's not from an electronic keyer - bland and homogenous. It's a fine line between "a fist with personality" and "speech impediment"! * QSY **30m** * **30m** heard Bug-Bug QSO between IK4EWX and OH2EA - for FOC "Bug Day" * **IK4EWX** called **CQ BUG DAY** and was answered by a Russian station..... I waited and then called him myself * QSO **IK4EWX** (FOC?)- Ian - nr Ferrara - BVc/BVp - RCh - would love a longer chat when more time/less QSB & QRN - lots of Rain Static during QSO. Bug CW was "Music to my ears" - You Tube video potential.... * [[https://youtu.be/Yko8YRwc4O8]]