Table of Contents

Calculator Hints & Tips

DM15L Startup Keys & Serial Console

Start Keys

KeyFunction description
A Display time/date for 5 minutes
B Benchmark. Evaluate speed compared to original calculator
C Switch to serial console
E System info. Firmware version, battery voltage, CPU frequency, etc.
CHSChange LCD contrast.1)
EEXReset LCD contrast to default values.
STOAdjust RTC: decrement -1h
RCLAdjust RTC: increment +1h
7 Cycle through available fonts
9 Configure CPU speed. Toggle between 12MHz and 48MHz
÷ Keyboard self test
Self test
Power reset
+ Endless test
. Toggle decimal delimiter
SSTTime/date adjustment.2)
GTO Toggle annunciator position

Serial Console



Firmware DM15_M80_V32

?          Help
p          Key press
s          Dump memory
l          Load memory
ct         Console timeout
bootloader Invoke Bootloader
t          Get time
ts         Set time
td         Update time
kb         Toggle keyboard output to console
d          Toggle display output to console
b          Read battery voltage

Type '<command> ?' for params

The calculator can be programmed using the dumps, via the Serial Console, by copy & paste of the text of dump using the Serial Console command l

An example session

Memory dump captured by Copy & Paste from the console session above.

00  03000007146000  03999994641000  03999994641000  00000000000000
04  49828382834000  00000000000008  0000000000000c  00002005999eae
08  00000000000000  39fa0ffffaea8f  dba083fce4bf80  00000000000000
10  00000000000000  00000000000000  00000000000000  05000000000000
14  f0000000000089  20323232323232  000000000001f2  00000000000000
18  00000000000000  0000000000007f  00000000a00000  05313010235001
1c  00000000000000  00000000000000  00000000000000  01844692622004
f0  00000000000000  00000000000000  000000000000b2  fdfbf132faf142
f4  ccfdf0f20cb2c3  fcf0f2bcfdfaf1  32fbf1420bb233  44fcc3f0f2bcfd
f8  faf133fbf143fd  a2cff182cff142  cafd0ab21282df  f1cafdf5c0f3fc
fc  31fd30fb31fc30  310241f5f4f3c0  f240f6c6f4f3f2  f1f0c0f142f00e
A: 49828382834000  B: 49828382834eae  C: 00002005999eae
S: 00000000001000
M: 01844692622004  N: 99828382834004  G: 06

This dump pasted into the Swiss Micro decoder

The decoded dump, showing the actual program commands

001  LBL E        | 42,21,15
002  0            |        0
003  STO 2        |    44  2
004  1            |        1
005  .            |       48
006  0            |        0
007  1            |        1
008  2            |        2
009  3            |        3
010  4            |        4
011  EEX          |       26
012  6            |        6
013  STO 0        |    44  0
014  2            |        2
015  .            |       48
016  3            |        3
017  4            |        4
018  5            |        5
019  STO 1        |    44  1
020  LBL 2        | 42,21, 2
021  RCL 1        |    45  1
022  RCL 0        |    45  0
023  *            |       20
024  RCL 1        |    45  1
025  -            |       30
026  RCL 0        |    45  0
027  /            |       10
028  RCL 1        |    45  1
029  *            |       20
030  3            |        3
031  .            |       48
032  5            |        5
033  /            |       10
034  sqrt         |       11
035  1            |        1
036  STO+2        | 44,40, 2
037  GTO 2        |    22  2
038  RTN          |   43  32
039  LBL A        | 42,21,11
040  /            |       10
041  sqrt         |       11
042  STO 2        |    44  2
043  1            |        1
044  RCL+2        | 45,40, 2
045  1            |        1
046  RCL-2        | 45,30, 2
047  /            |       10
048  STO 3        |    44  3
049  1            |        1
050  -            |       30
051  RCL 3        |    45  3
052  1            |        1
053  +            |       40
054  /            |       10
055  LOG          |   43  13
056  2            |        2
057  0            |        0
058  CHS          |       16
059  *            |       20
060  STO 4        |    44  4
061  RCL 3        |    45  3
062  RTN          |   43  32
063  LBL B        | 42,21,12
064  STO 2        |    44  2
065  1            |        1
066  -            |       30
067  RCL 2        |    45  2
068  1            |        1
069  +            |       40
070  /            |       10
071  LOG          |   43  13
072  2            |        2
073  0            |        0
074  *            |       20
075  CHS          |       16
076  RTN          |   43  32
077  LBL C        | 42,21,13
078  2            |        2
079  0            |        0
080  /            |       10
081  10^x         |       13
082  STO 2        |    44  2
083  1            |        1
084  +            |       40
085  RCL 2        |    45  2
086  1            |        1
087  -            |       30
088  /            |       10
089  RTN          |   43  32

Page created Thu May 26 17:41:19 2022 by John Pumford-Green

Page last updated: 24/11/23 13:32 GMT

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