Table of Contents

6502 Project

6502 Setup

Various pre-requisites

Vim Syntax Highlighting

To get better syntax highlighting for 6502 assembler I found a vim syntax file asmM6502.vim

This was saved as ~/.vim/syntax/asmM6502.vim

To make sure assembler source code used the 6502 syntax add:

autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.s,*.asm,*.inc set filetype=asmM6502

to ~/.vimrc

Vim in action

Assembler compiler VASM

To compile source to machine-code suitable for blowing onto EEPROM use the vasm compiler

It's possible to self-compile VASM by downloading the source-code from:

but there are ready made binaries here, specifically for the 6502 old-style binaries:

Use the link at the foot of the page:

Download, unzip (extracts the files needed into ../vasm6502_oldstyle/linux/)

sudo cp ./vasm6502_oldstyle/linux/* /usr/local/bin

Add an alias to ~/.bashrc

alias vasm='vasm6502_oldstyle -Fbin -dotdir'

for the most used options

To compile a source file to a binary a.out file:

vasm hello_world.s


gm4slv@laptop:~/6502 $ vasm hello_world.s
vasm 1.8h (c) in 2002-2019 Volker Barthelmann
vasm 6502 cpu backend 0.8 (c) 2002,2006,2008-2012,2014-2018 Frank Wille
vasm oldstyle syntax module 0.13f (c) 2002-2018 Frank Wille
vasm binary output module 1.8a (c) 2002-2009,2013,2015,2017 Volker Barthelmann
seg8000(acrwx1):                 143 bytes
segfffc(acrwx1):                   4 bytes

Inspect the hexcode in the binary file hexdump

gm4slv@laptop:~/6502 $ hexdump -C a.out
00000000  a2 ff 9a a9 ff 8d 02 60  a9 e0 8d 03 60 a9 38 20  |.......`....`.8 |
00000010  63 80 a9 0e 20 63 80 a9  06 20 63 80 a9 01 20 63  |c... c... c... c|
00000020  80 a2 00 bd 32 80 f0 07  20 79 80 e8 4c 23 80 4c  |....2... y..L#.L|
00000030  2f 80 48 65 6c 6c 6f 2c  20 77 6f 72 6c 64 21 00  |/.Hello, world!.|
00000040  48 a9 00 8d 02 60 a9 40  8d 01 60 a9 c0 8d 01 60  |H....`.@..`....`|
00000050  ad 00 60 29 80 d0 ef a9  40 8d 01 60 a9 ff 8d 02  |..`)....@..`....|
00000060  60 68 60 20 40 80 8d 00  60 a9 00 8d 01 60 a9 80  |`h` @...`....`..|
00000070  8d 01 60 a9 00 8d 01 60  60 20 40 80 8d 00 60 a9  |..`....`` @...`.|
00000080  20 8d 01 60 a9 a0 8d 01  60 a9 20 8d 01 60 60 00  | ..`....`. ..``.|
00000090  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00007ff0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00  |................|

minipro EEPROM programmer

An open source project minipro to use the TI866 USB EEPROM programmer under Linux

git clone
cd minipro
sudo make install

to burn an EEPROM

minipro -p AT28C256 -w a.out

John Pumford-Green 10/08/22 13:50

Further Information

CA65 Setup