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06 : Miscellany

Cassette Tapes

My interest in cassettes and tape recorders

I became interested again in using Cassettes in early 2021, following lockdown.

I grew up in the age of vinyl records, cassette tapes etc. Later I moved to CDs in the 1990s and I still listen to CDs and vinyl LP records at home, and I buy still buy music on CD.

Some LPs...

I tried Spotify a few times in recent years, but always found it unpleasant.

I prefer physical media.

I prefer to own my own physical copies of the music I listen to.

With my re-awakened interest in cassette tapes (mostly for listening to music away-from-home) I also wanted to step back to a time when there was less immediate choice “at the point of listening”. Fewer options but a more fulfilling relationship with music.

Spotify just presents you with an almost infinite chance to click and click and click… jumping around from track to track to track without really immersing yourself in any one album, artist or genre.

Limiting one's available options - e.g. by carrying only one or two cassettes - and not letting The Algorithm dictate what you listen to - seems better, to me.

I've never really got into the “always wearing headphones/earbuds and listening to music” mindset. I am from the generation who first took up the Sony Walkman, but I prefer to be aware of my surroundings when I'm walking about, so listening to music “on the go” isn't really a thing I'm very interested in. I do enjoy having something to listen to for instance when I'm working - but not via earbuds…. just on a regular loudspeaker. The little Sony TCM-939 “shoebox” tape recorder might work for that purpose.

I also carry a small “transistor” radio with me in my bag.




It's getting harder to find top quality new blank tapes - and impossible to find newly manufactured Chrome or Metal tapes.

John Pumford-Green 05/03/25 09:25 GMT

Further Information