pressure wash and waxoyl
wet service
LED bulbs in dash
remove headlining
insulate roof
remount tow ball
new front discs
new number plate light
disconnected alarm
new door light switches
new hazard light swith
LED interior lights
new front diff drive flange/seal
new transfer box front drive flange/seal
new rear o/s hub bearings
new rear drums and shoes
new wheels
new BFG T/A All Terrain tyres
fitted Jate rings to rear
new front Series-type two piece doors
patched 2 holes in front exhaust pipe
patched pin-hole in sump-pan
filled holes in bulkhead
lubricated rear step
repair poor earth for reversing light
paint NATO Green
For further work see Land Rover Repairs And Mods and Land Rover Data
Page created Sun May 22 14:45:22 2022 by John Pumford-Green
Page last updated: 06/03/25 06:49 GMT