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Svx Mobile


To make a mobile hotspot that will provide access to SVXReflector and Echolink as well as a handy single-frequency parrot repeater.


Remains the same as the previous portable hotspot

It will be installed in my vehicle, which also has a TM-D710 for APRS and voice comms.

Logic.tcl additions for switching EL on/off

Added to <…>/events.d/local/Logic.tcl

 # Example: Custom command executed when DTMF 97 is received
  if {$cmd == "97"} {
    puts "Executing external command"
    playMsg "Core" "online"
    exec /home/gm4slv/ &
    return 1

  # Example: Custom command executed when DTMF 98 is received
  if {$cmd == "98"} {
    puts "Executing external command"
    playMsg "Core" "online"
    exec /home/gm4slv/ &
    return 1
  # Example: Custom command executed when DTMF 99 is received
  if {$cmd == "99"} {
    puts "Executing external command"
    playMsg "Core" "online"
    exec /home/gm4slv/ &
    return 1


sudo killall svxlink
sudo killall svxlink
sudo killall svxlink
echo "25" > /sys/class/gpio/export
sleep 2
echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio25/direction
sudo svxlink --daemon --logfile=$LOG --config=$CFG
exit 0


sudo killall svxlink
sudo killall svxlink
sudo killall svxlink
echo "25" > /sys/class/gpio/export
sleep 2
echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio25/direction
sudo svxlink --daemon --logfile=$LOG --config=$CFG
exit 0


sudo killall svxlink
sudo killall svxlink
sudo killall svxlink
echo "25" > /sys/class/gpio/export
sleep 2
echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio25/direction
sudo svxlink --daemon --logfile=$LOG --config=$CFG
exit 0

It's probable that I'll configure the initial start @reboot to be with Reflector and Echolink

crontab@reboot sleep 30 && sudo -u gm4slv /home/gm4slv/ >/dev/null 2>&1

Using a PROXY server for connecting to Echolink, and be able to accept incoming Echolink connections, is necessary because it's not possible to control external firewall/port forwarding when using the MiFi 4G router for internet access.

Connecting direct to Echolink, without the proxy still allows outgoing Echolink connections to be made

Rather than relying on other PUBLIC Echolink proxies I though it would be wise to install and run a proxy server myself, on the VPS machine. It turned out to be easier than I thought and the basic steps are here


I imagine being able to use the Parrot feature as a temporary single-frequency repeater perhaps for emergency use?

I'll experiment….

Page Info

John Pumford-Green 03/06/22 17:59

Page last updated: 26/04/23 14:54 BST