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SVXLink : Install from source

70cm Simplex Gateway MB7AZE

SVXLink installed on Raspberry Pi - compiled from author's Git repository.

VOIP networking is achieved using the SVXReflector protocol connecting to a reflector server run by Chris G4NAB. This connects SVXLink systems together and provides “Talkgroups” in a similar manner to DMR. There is a web portal to observe the network in real time here:

Get current Git version

git clone

Install Dependencies

A lot of dependencies are required, and not all of them are obvious from the INSTALL doc in the source, needing a few iterations of running cmake -DUSE_QT=no .. and then installing whatever package is highlighted as missing. This might need repeating several times to grab everything required, and to successfully complete the cmake phase.

Eventually everything is installed allowing the SVXlink package to be configured and built.


When configuring with cmake I used a command line switch -DUSE_QT=no to avoid QT dependencies and building QTel client :

cd svxlink/src
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DUSE_QT=no ..
sudo make install

Update to latest version from GIT

cd svxlink
git pull
cd src/build
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Start SVXLINK from script in home directory

sudo killall svxlink
sudo killall svxlink
sudo killall svxlink
sudo svxlink --daemon --logfile=$LOG --config=$CFG
exit 0

Probably need up to date sound files, with the additional items needed for reflector use:

Configuration file



to start at reboot

@reboot sleep 30 && sudo -u gm4slv /home/gm4slv/ >/dev/null 2>&1

John Pumford-Green Tue May 3 20:56:09 2022#

Page Updated : 06/04/24 08:50 BST