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Rig and Key List

Kenwood TH-D72

Remote Control

The TH-D72 can be used to remotely control a TM-D710. This allows remote control of VHF Frequency/Memory Channel, TX power, CTCSS/DCS tones and to enable/disable cross-band repeat.

The remote control function uses specific DTMF sequences to instruct the TM-D710.

To enable “Remote Ctrl” mode :

  1. Select the correct UHF uplink frequency to match the TM-D710
  2. Turn off the TH-D72
  3. Hold MR and PTT
  4. Turn on the TH-D72

The display will show “Mobile Ctrl”

The TM-D710 must also be put in Remote Control mode.

On the TM-D710

The TM-D710 should now be in remote mode.

To restore normal operation repeat the same sequence of

Successful commands sent to the TM-D710 will receive a “pip pip pip” revertive.

The commands are send using the TH-D72 keypad, remapped as:

1 = DCS On 2 = Tone On 3 = CTCSS On A = Enter
4 = DCS Off 5 = Tone Off 6 = CTCSS Off B = CTCSS/DCS Tone
7 = Call Ch. Mode 8 = VFO Mode 9 = Memory Mode C = Repeater On
* = Down 0 = Power # = Up D = Repeater Off

Once the TM-D710 is in the correct condition - VHF Frequency, tone, power, cross-band repeat - it's possible to restore the TH-D72 to normal operation and use it to access the cross-band repeater and use DTMF tones as normal (eg. to control another system via the repeater). Just exit “Mobile Ctrl” mode on the TH-D72

You should be back in normal operation mode.

Obviously, to control the TM-D710 again (eg to disable cross-band repeat) simply go back to Mobile Ctrl mode in the same way, and send the required commands.


Page Info

Page created Wed May 25 00:01:26 2022 by John Pumford-Green

Page last updated: 02/05/24 08:05 BST
