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Mon 10 July 2023
- A catch up from yesterday to begin.
- Two periods of activity today, early evening on 30m and 40m, and later on 60m and 30m.
- Rig : 7200
- Using full 100W today - condx. seem a bit variable, especially at this northern latitude.
- Some Auroral sounding CW.
- Not much activity on 30m, despite many RBN spots of my CQ calls.
- Period 1
- 30m QSO : F5POJ : RSt
- 40m QSO : DL6LV/P : Hry, nr Keil. BVp. Short ~RC. Should look for him again for a longer chat.
- Period 2
- 60m QSO : G0IIK : Nigel, nr Heathrow, RCh. BVp me: “Vibroplex Presentation 1957”, him : “McElroy Bug 1940 same age as me, 82” Another nice chat w/ Nigel
- 30m QSO : DL4ST : RSt
- 30m QSO : IK2MMM/QRP : RSt “QSL only electronic” = LOTW confirmation
- 30m QSP : M0RQD : Steve, Isle of Wight : SKh. RC. slow and pleasant “beginner” QSO - hope for many more and for Steve to find CW improves rapidly with use.
Finding many RBN reports from my CQ calls - as far as Australia and Hong Kong, but very often no replies. Will endeavour to reply to any/all CQ calls I hear.
— John Pumford-Green 11/07/23 08:00
public/blog/1.1740584778.txt.gz · Last modified: 06/03/25 06:49 GMT (external edit)