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DM41X Ladybug Module

Another HP16 emulation

Section One

Section Two

Ladybug more user friendly, if less versatile, HP16 module than the fully-featured HP16 module by Angel Martin. Both have their uses, but for a simple calculator for bit-banging while writing 6502 assembly code Ladybug does everything, with a less convoluted User Interface.

Nice features

  • A “CMP” function akin to 6502 - sets flags in the same way but doesn't change the register(s)
  • Status Flags : C, Z, N and V equivalent to 6502 flags and set in the same way after various operations.
    • Flag 0 = Zero Z
    • Flag 1 = Sign N
    • Flag 3 = Carry C
    • Flag 4 = Overflow V
  • 2's-complement mode is set with Flag 2
  • Leading Zeros display is set with Flag 5
  • Word Size is set with Shift+R/S
  • Windowing is selected with .
  • Bits can be set and reset and tested with Shift+4, Shift+5 and Shift+6
  • Boolean Operations
    • AND Shift+1
    • OR Shift+2
    • XOR Shift+3
    • NOT Shift+CHS (invert each bit)
  • Shift and Rotate functions are conveniently accessible - see Overlay picture above - without delving into menus or launchers

John Pumford-Green 23/09/22 13:40

Further Information

public/calculator/guides/dm41x_ladybug_module.1663939042.txt.gz · Last modified: 06/03/25 06:49 GMT (external edit)