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2024 Radio Topics

DMR and DV Modes


  • DVMega Simplex hotspot
  • MMDVM_HS_Hat Simplex hotspot
  • MMDVM_HS_Dual_Hat Duplex Hotspot
25/03/24DVmega N/A 434.000MHz wpsd_config_fusion_2024-mar-26.zip Home WPSD YSF Single mode
17/03/24MMDVM Red 438.800MHz Mobile Pi-Star 2-DMR Network
25/03/24 Duplex MMDVM Green 439.950MHz / -9.9MHz pi-star_config_repeater_2024-mar-26.zip Home Pi-Star 2-DMR Network
  • On arrival (25/3/24) the Dual-Hat board had the wrong firmware (MMDVM_HS_HAT) and would not operate correctly as a duplex/two-timeslot hotspot.
  • Pi-Star has capability to upgrade attached MMDVM firmware, but attempts to load MMDVM_HS_Dual_Hat repeatedly failed
  • The firmware upload function was locked but unlocking was a simple matter of solder-bridging the pads of “JP1” on the MMDVM board.
  • Pi-Star Firmware upgraded successfully to MMDVM_HS_Dual_Hat v1.6 and duplex/two timeslot functionality was successful


John Pumford-Green 17/03/24 23:34

Further Information

DMR Dashboards

Phoenix A MMDVM Repeaters http://dvsph-a.dvsph.net/
Phoenix F Hotspots http://phoenix-f.opendmr.net/ipsc/
Phoenix K Hytera / Motorola Repeaters http://dvsph-k.dvsph.net/ipsc/
Phoenix M Personal Repeaters http://phoenix-m.opendmr.net/ipsc/
GM4SLV My Hotspot http://gm4slv.plus.com:28080/
GB7HT Ashington / G4NAB http://gb7ht.ddns.net:8080/
public/radio/2024/dmr.txt · Last modified: 02/04/24 19:24 BST by john