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HF APRS Base Station

Direwolf TNC iGate on 30m

Using Direwolf on HF

  • 30m APRS frequency = 10.1476MHz USB / 10.151MHz LSB (using 1.7kHz modem frequency)
  • RF centre frequency = 10.1493MHz, tones ±100Hz
  • Direwolf acts as
    • TNC/Modem to send and receive packets via HF transceiver
    • Internet I-Gate
    • Tracker, when configured to use gpsd to provide real time GPS position
    • Network (AGWPE) TNC for other APRS client software

Direwolf config


Direwolf running (in a Tmux session)

Xastir using Direwolf as TNC

  • Direwolf can act as a network TNC for other clients
    • Uses “AGWPE” protocol

Set Xastir on another PC to use Direwolf as TNC. This gives user access to APRS - map, messaging etc.



GM4SLV-10 info at APRS.FI

List of stations who heard me, and stations I heard, after running overnight.

Further Information

public/radio/dormant/hf_aprs.txt · Last modified: 28/07/23 16:06 BST by john