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MB7AZE is now QRT and the NoV has expired.

The following is for historical interest only….

MB7AZE SvxLink Config

Main config file


Audio levels


Use the devcal program to set RX and TX audio levels.

This allows adjustment of alsamixer settings and then for fine tuning adjustment of PRE-AMP (for RX) and MASTER GAIN (for TX) config options to set the correct audio level INPUT on RX and deviation on TX.

Once the correct PRE-AMP or MASTER GAIN values have been determined in DEVCAL they are added to the relevant sections in svxlink.conf

To use DEVCAL first sudo killall svxlink

For Receive audio input:

sudo devcal -r -m=3000 -d=3000 /usr/local/etc/svxlink/svxlink.conf Rx1

Inject a signal to the radio @ ±3kHz deviation Adjust audio input level via

  • radio volume control
  • alsamixer Mic Capture level
  • devcal +/- to adjust PRE-AMP setting

until the displayed deviation agrees with the input signal's deviation.

Quit devcal

Transfer the displayed PRE-AMP value to the conf file.

For Transmit audio output

Monitor TX deviation

sudo devcal -t -m=3000 -d=3000 /usr/local/etc/svxlink/svxlink.conf Tx1

Toggle TX with T


  • Alsamixer output
  • devcal +/-

to achieve ±3kHz TX deviation.

Turn off TX with T

Quit devcal

Copy the displayed MASTER GAIN value to the conf file.

sudo alsactl store

to save current mixer levels.

Uncomment :

proc tg_selected {new_tg old_tg} {
  puts "### tg_selected #$new_tg (old #$old_tg)"
  # Reject incoming Echolink connections while a talkgroup is active
  if {$new_tg != 0} {
    setConfigValue "ModuleEchoLink" "REJECT_INCOMING" "^.*$"
  } else {
    setConfigValue "ModuleEchoLink" "REJECT_INCOMING" "^$"

in /usr/local/share/svxlink/events.d/local/ReflectorLogic.tcl


Here are the 3 files containing tweaks to the standard behaviour.

Editing the original files (in events.d/) would work, but would get overwritten if the software is upgraded/re-installed. Putting local copies in events.d/local means the changes survive upgrades etc.

The actual path is:


I'll try to document what is different once I refresh my memory.




John Pumford-Green Tue May 3 20:58:10 2022

Page Updated : 26/04/23 14:50 BST

public/radio/dormant/mb7azeconf.txt · Last modified: 26/04/23 14:50 BST by john