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Netradio Control

Python code for TCP/IP control of multiple radios


This provides TCP/IP access to one or more radios, allowing control of Frequency, Mode, Pre-amp and Attenuator. It also gives remote access to S-meter readings.

There are separate rig-dependant command modules that then provide a standard interface for commands sent by a client, regardless of the particular radio connected.

There are modules for

  • Icom C-IV radios such as IC-R75, IC-718, IC-7200 etc.
  • AOR AR7030
  • Icom IC-M710 marine



Configurtion Module


Icom C-IV module


AOR AR7030 module


Icom IC-M710 module


Text-mode client


Example session

There are currently 3 radios connected.
Status of Radio 1 (IC-R75) 
Frequency : 2187.500 kHz
Mode: DATA
S-Meter: -114.2dBm
Preamp = 0
Attenuator = 0 
Status of Radio 2 (IC-M710) 
Frequency : 16804.500 kHz
Mode: DATA
S-Meter: -120.0dBm
Preamp = None
Attenuator = None 
Status of Radio 3 (AR7030) 
Frequency : 2182.000 kHz
Mode: USB
S-Meter: -110.3dBm
Preamp = 0
Attenuator = 0 
Please choose a radio
There are currently 3 radios connected.
Radio 1 is IC-R75
Radio 2 is IC-M710
Radio 3 is AR7030
Choose a radio number from the list : 3
The available commands are:
lr   : List Radios
sr   : Select the Radio to control
gr   : Get currently selected Radio name
gm   : Get Mode
sm   : Set Mode
gf   : Get Freq
sf   : Set Freq
gs   : Get S-meter
gp   : Get Pre-amp
pon  : Set Pre-amp On
p2on : Set Pre-amp 2 On
poff : Set Pre-amp Off
gatt : Get Attn
aton : Set Attn On
atoff: Set Attn Off
ga   : Get All (status of all radios)
sync : Sync freq/mode on two radios
log  : Setup background logging to file
h    : Help (show this command list)
q    : quit
AR7030 (2182.000 USB)  > sf 5680
AR7030 replied: Freq Set
AR7030 (5680.000 USB)  >

GUI Client

No S-meter version


S-meter display version


Further Information

public/radio/dormant/netradio_control.txt · Last modified: 26/04/23 14:56 BST by john