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Rig and Key List

Icom IC-R75


Repairs / Mods

  • -5V DC/DC converter
    • various capacitor failures
  • “Turn Off” fault - due to overheating of 13V regulator
    • Cured by
      • Reduce input voltage to 13.8V
      • Improve heatsinking of regulator IC to chassis

Remote Control

  • connected to shack server via RS232
  • shack server running Python netradio server.py to give TCP/IP network control
  • laptop PC running Python netradio client.py to give user access
    • Available controls:
      gm4slv@laptop:~/Python/PythonProjects/netradio $ python2 client.py
      There are currently 1 radios connected.
      Status of Radio 1 (IC-R75)
      Frequency : 391.000 kHz
      Mode: CW
      S-Meter: -113.0dBm
      1 : 0
      Please choose a radio
      There are currently 1 radios connected.
      Radio 1 is IC-R75
      Choose a radio number from the list : 1
      The available commands are:
      lr   : List Radios
      sr   : Select the Radio to control
      gr   : Get currently selected Radio name
      gm   : Get Mode
      sm   : Set Mode
      gf   : Get Freq
      sf   : Set Freq
      gs   : Get S-meter
      gp   : Get Pre-amp
      pon  : Set Pre-amp On
      poff : Set Pre-amp Off
      gatt : Get Attn
      aton : Set Attn On
      atoff: Set Attn Off
      ga   : Get All (status of all radios)
      sync : Sync freq/mode on two radios
      log  : Setup background logging to file
      h    : Help (show this command list)
      q    : quit
      IC-R75 >
  • audio via network using PicoPhone
    • running on shack laptop via Wine
    • running on Windows laptop natively

Remote control is achieved via a SSH connection to shack laptop to run the netradio client.py and the RX audio can be heard via PicoPhone.


Further Reading




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Page Info

Page created Wed May 25 00:06:01 2022 by John Pumford-Green

Page last updated: 02/05/24 08:05 BST

public/radio/radio_database/ic-r75.txt · Last modified: 02/05/24 08:05 BST by john