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Damasko DA36

Damasko DA36 Measurements (2019)

Created Friday 08 November 2019

8 November 2019

	08/11/19 : 06:15
	Dial up : 254° : -1
	Dial dn : 261° : +4
	6H	: 243° : -6
	3H	: 237° : -1
	9H	: 222° : -6
	12H	: 226° : 0
	D 	: -5
	Mean	: 241° : -1.6
	08/11/19 : 12:45
	Dial up : 284° : 0
	Dial dn : 281° : +1
	6H	: 266° : -3	
	3H	: 263° : 0
	9H	: 259° : -1
	12H	: 266° : +3
	D 	: -3
	Mean	: 270° : 0
	08/11/19 : 23:20
	Dial up : 280° : -2
	Dial dn : 277° : 0
	6H	: 260° : -3	
	3H	: 261° : 0
	9H	: 254° : -2
	12H	: 259° : +3
	D 	: -1
	Mean	: 265° : 0

9th November 2019

09/11/19 : 06:50
Dial up : 256° : +1
Dial dn : 254° : +3
6H	: 230° : -7	
3H	: 227° : -4
9H	: 234° : -2
12H	: 227° : +1
D 	: -8
Mean	: 238° : -1.3
09/11/19 : 13:10
Dial up : 281° : 0
Dial dn : 282° : 0
6H	: 264° : -4	
3H	: 263° : 0
9H	: 268° : 0
12H	: 260° : +3
D 	: -4
Mean	: 270° : -0.2
09/11/19 : 23:00
Dial up : 286° : -2
Dial dn : 280° : 0
6H	: 260° : -6	
3H	: 256° : -2
9H	: 272° : 0
12H	: 263° : +1
D 	: -4
Mean	: 270° : -1.5

10th November 2019

10/11/19 : 07:05
Dial up : 251° : 0
Dial dn : 246° : +1
6H	: 232° : -8	
3H	: 220° : -8
9H	: 230° : -3
12H	: 230° : 0
D 	: -8
Mean	: 236° : -3
10/11/19 : 14:20	
Dial up : 256° : -4
Dial dn : 248° : -5
6H	: 233° : -13	
3H	: 228° : -6
9H	: 227° : -8
12H	: 226° : -5
D 	: -9
Mean	: 236° : -6.8
Wound manually 40 turns:

Dial up	: 238°	: -5
Dial dn	: 234°	: -6
6H	: 225° 	: -14

Amplitude still low…..

Wound manually > 100 turns:

Dial up : 263° : -1
Dial dn : 264° : 0
6H	: 244° : -9	
3H	: 245° : -3
9H	: 256° : -2
12H	: 249° : 0
D 	: -8
Mean	: 253° : -5.0

Rate improved but amplitude still low - can't achieve “full wind power”?

10/11/19 : 16:30
Dial up : 274° : 0
Dial dn : 259° : 0
6H	: 238° : -9	
3H	: 250° : -2
9H	: 245° : -3
12H	: 242° : 0
D 	: -9
Mean	: 251° : -2.3

Back to on-wrist for further observations @ 16:50

Amplitude vs position vs mean rate error

	Date     	Time		Du	Dd	6h	3h	9h	12h	Av	M	
	08/11/19	06:15		254	261	243	237	222	226	241	-1.6
	08/11/19	12:45		284	281	266	263	259	266	270	+0.0
	08/11/19	23:20		280	277	260	261	254	259	265	+0.0	
	09/11/19	06:50		256	254	230	227	234	227	238	-1.3
	09/11/19	13:10		281	282	264	263	268	260	270	-0.2
	09/11/19	23:00		286	280	260	256	272	263	270	-1.5
	10/11/19	07:05		251	246	232	220	230	230	236	-3.0
	10/11/19	14:20		256	248	233	228	227	226	236	-6.8 !!!!!
	10/11/19	16:30		274	259	238	250	245	242	251	-2.3
	10/11/19	17:30		286	281	265	268	259	263	270	-1.
	10/11/19	19:10		259	269	248	249	260	253	256	-1.8
	10/11/19	21:00		293	284	264	260	266	267	272	-2.5
	10/11/19	23:00		270	277	266	250	261	252	262	-3.0

Over to Damasko DA36 Tests 2 (2019)

Dial-Up Amplitude & Rate

Date		Time	Amp.	Rate
08/11/19	06:15	254	-1
08/11/19	12:45	284	0	
08/11/19	15:40	281	0
08/11/19	17:00	272	0
08/11/19	23:20	280	-2
09/11/19	06:50	256	+1
09/11/19	10:40	270	-1
09/11/19	13:10	281	0
09/11/19	20:30	288	-1
09/11/19	23:00	286	-2

10/11/19	07:05	251	0
10/11/19	10:10	267	-3
10/11/19	14:20	256	-4 !!! Low amplitude all positions after several hours on wrist.

Goto Damasko DA36 Tests 2 (2019)

Watchcheck measurements

Android Watchcheck (one per day to show overall rate):
Date		Time	Δ(s)	Error(s/d)	Ave(s/d)	Comment
08/11/19	06:24	-7.7	-1.6		-2.0		overnight dial down
09/11/19	07:04	-9.5	-1.7		-1.9		overnight dial down
10/11/19	07:02	-11.9	-2.4		-2.1		overnight dial down
11/11/19	06:25	-14.1	-2.3		-2.1		overnight dial up

Python Watchcheck (2 per day to show difference between on-wrist and resting position):

dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS	Δ(s)        Error(s/d)       Ave(s/d)	Comment
08/11/2019 06:25:07     -7.8            +3.6            -1.3	Nighttime dial down = positive
08/11/2019 23:19:10     -10.3           -3.6            -2.0 	daytime on wrist = negative
09/11/2019 07:05:09     -9.5            +2.6            -1.4	Nighttime dial down = positive
09/11/2019 23:05:12     -12.6           -4.8            -2.1	Daytime on wrist = negative
10/11/2019 07:03:11     -11.6           +3.1            -1.6	Nighttime dial down = positive
10/11/2019 23:10:14     -14.2           -3.8            -2.0 	Daytime worn = negative
11/11/2019 06:23:14     -14.1           +0.1            -1.8 	Dial Up overnight. Zero


Page Updated: 02/07/22 13:40 BST

public/watches/damasko/da36measurements.txt · Last modified: 02/07/22 13:40 BST by john