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Calculator Hints & Tips

DM41X Curve Fitting

Advantage Pac functions for statistical curve fitting.

CFIT program provides the functions to fit statistics data to LIN, Exp, LOG, Power and Best Fit


  • Save CFIT to a CST menu entry to make it easier to access
  • Clear Statistics Registers with C (CLΣ)
  • Enter Statistics in usual way with Y, ENTER, X, A(Σ+)
  • Don't use any data points ≤0
  • When all data pairs are entered press E (FIT)
  • Now choose which type of fit to use
    • L = Linear
    • LOG = Logarithmic
    • Ex = Exponential
    • P = Power
    • B = Best Fit
  • R/S to cycle through the coefficients of the curve fit a, b, R^2 (error ratio)
  • You can next enter an x value to find the curve-fitted y value
  • pressing R/S can exit back to the Curves menu L LOG Ex P B to try a different fit to the same data
  • pressing R/S can exit back to the main menu to clear and enter a new set of data

Curve Fit values

  • Linear y = a + bx
  • Ex y = aebx
  • Log y = a + b ln(x)
  • Power y = a xb

Example of a Best Fit (LOG)

X 0.721.311.952.583.14
Y 2.161.611.160.850.5
  • CFIT
  • CLΣ
  • 2.16 ENTER 0.72 A (Σ+)
  • 1.61 ENTER 1.31 A (Σ+)
  • 1.16 ENTER 1.95 A (Σ+)
  • 0.85 ENTER 2.58 A (Σ+)
  • 0.5 ENTER 3.14 A (Σ+)
  • E (FIT)
  • E (B) best fit
  • display : LOG
  • R/S
  • display : a = 1.8515
  • R/S
  • display : b = -1.1021
  • R/S
  • display : r^2 = 0.9893
  • R/S
  • display : X=?
    • enter an X value if wanted, to get a y
    • 1.5 R/S
    • display : Y=1.4046
    • R/S
    • enter another, or press R/S again to exit to the curve fitting menu
  • try a different curve fit…. (L, Ex etc) or
  • R/S to exit to the top menu

the curve found is y = 1.8515 - 1.1021 ln(x)

John Pumford-Green 31/07/24 14:46 BST

Further Information

public/calculator/guides/dm41x_curve_fitting.txt · Last modified: 07/09/24 22:05 BST by john