Table of Contents
DM41X Advantage Pac
The HP Advantage Pac module
Useful Functions
The Advantage Pac Module adds several features not normally found on the HP41.
The most useful to me are:
- MATRX : Simple square matrix “Simultaneous Equation” solutions
- CFIT : Fitting data to various curves : LIN/LOG/Ex/Power
- SOLVE and INTEGrate : similar to the HP15C/DM15L functions
- TVM : Finance calculations
Also available are
- Complex Numbers
- Number Bases and Boolean Logic
These are better handled in the Angel Martin modules HP-41Z
and HP-16C
- Vector
- Polynomial Solver
- Matrix (more extensive than the one above)
- Differential Equations
- Co-ordinate Transformations
These are less useful to me (at the moment)
Flag 21
Remember to Clear FLAG 21
after using any Advantage Pac programs - by turning the DM41X OFF
and ON
— John Pumford-Green 05/08/22 14:26
Further Information
public/calculator/guides/advantage_pac.txt · Last modified: 03/08/24 15:32 BST by john