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Try to learn something about everything, and everything about something - Thomas Huxley

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01 : Radio

Radio Shack Activity

  • 02/05/24 08:11 BST John Pumford-Green: new ft-2980 installed in shack
  • 30/04/24 15:24 BST John Pumford-Green: Heard Radio New Zealand at good strength on 11725kHz today. Nice!
  • 30/04/24 14:55 BST John Pumford-Green: Test RX Wire antenna installed for MF/MF SWL use.
  • 28/04/24 17:17 BST John Pumford-Green: Some POTA QSOs 40m
  • 28/04/24 17:17 BST John Pumford-Green: IC706 as 2m FM radio. Antenna raised. GB3LU workable
  • 19/04/24 18:18 BST John Pumford-Green: 60m net 5279. Sigs from GM4WMM became Auroral at around 1600z
  • 12/04/24 17:47 BST John Pumford-Green: new antenna - random wire & AutoATU - for IC-706
  • 10/04/24 07:34 BST John Pumford-Green: compiled git version of Direwolf v1.7
  • 09/04/24 20:05 BST John Pumford-Green: 30m APRS running overnight - no IGATE, only beacon & WIDEn-N digi : GM4SLV-10
  • 09/04/24 19:35 BST John Pumford-Green: DMR QSO G4PYR - Coastal Radio website
  • 08/04/24 18:13 BST John Pumford-Green: calling CQ on 60m SSB 5371,5
  • 07/04/24 07:37 John Pumford-Green: changed it to Allstar - node 48148
  • 05/04/24 18:48 John Pumford-Green: setting up a VHF gateway using SVXLINK
  • 04/04/24 07:04 John Pumford-Green: Teamspeak Linux server, Linux client in shack → IC-7200, Win Client on Laptop in house
  • 01/04/24 17:39 John Pumford-Green: SSB QSO on 60m! GM8JCF
  • 30/03/24 11:09 John Pumford-Green: 60m Olivia 8/250 QSO using IC-706
  • 30/03/24 11:06 John Pumford-Green: x-gate out of use, APRS restored on 2m GM4SLV-2
  • 29/03/24 10:19 John Pumford-Green: renewed GQRP Club membership
  • 24/03/24 08:34 John Pumford-Green: xgate restored to operation
  • 22/03/24 07:23 John Pumford-Green: tried WinRPR as a software TNC for APRS
  • 21/03/24 08:54 John Pumford-Green: IC706 control using ic-R75 as c-iv / RS232 converter
  • 20/03/24 13:07 John Pumford-Green: new 2m 1/4 wave on van for APRS etc.
  • 19/03/24 23:02 John Pumford-Green: 30m APRS active Direwolf/Xastir 10147.6 USB / 30W
  • 19/03/24 19:25 John Pumford-Green: IC706 set up for digimodes!
  • 19/03/24 12:21 John Pumford-Green: APRS Igate GM4SLV-2 active at home QTH
  • 19/03/24 12:20 John Pumford-Green: TM-D710 mounted in van GM4SLV-9. Needs antenna.
  • 19/03/24 07:49 John Pumford-Green: TMD-710 fan control repaired
  • 18/03/24 17:49 John Pumford-Green: 2m/70cm antenna mounted at 2m agl beside shed…..
  • 17/03/24 13:21 John Pumford-Green: getting DMR gear out of retirement
  • 17/01/24 18:24 John Pumford-Green: CW Bug-Bug QSO with Nigel G0IIK on 60m
  • 13/01/24 15:52 John Pumford-Green: Olivia QSO with John G0VPJ on 60m
  • 12/01/24 17:06 John Pumford-Green: CW QSO with Carl G0KPE on 60m
  • 09/01/24 20:50 John Pumford-Green: To 10m for 24 hours at 5W
  • 09/01/24 20:30 John Pumford-Green: down to 1W….
  • 09/01/24 20:27 John Pumford-Green: WSPR on 60m overnight at 5W
  • 20/11/23 12:39 John Pumford-Green: Fldigi RX webview active http://gm4slv.plus.com:42110/index.html
  • 18/11/23 06:48 John Pumford-Green: QSO on 60m Olivia last night with Alan M0AGJ
  • 25/08/23 19:49 John Pumford-Green: QMX kit arrived…. let the fun begin!
  • 17/08/23 08:36 John Pumford-Green: QMX kit shipped today
  • 17/08/23 08:36 John Pumford-Green: good bug QSO yesterday with Mark M0ZMX
  • 14/08/23 21:24 John Pumford-Green: ordered QMX kit…. something to build while I wait for the K2
  • 14/08/23 18:06 John Pumford-Green: 40m QRP 2x Bug - Bug w/ Mike M6MPC using my QCX-Mini @ 5W
  • 12/08/23 23:01 John Pumford-Green: 30m bug-bug QSO with Mike N1MX!
  • 06/08/23 07:00 John Pumford-Green: very good QSO last night on 60m w/ G4XRV discussing building K2 etc
  • 05/08/23 11:04 John Pumford-Green: Solar Flare : M2.1. K index hit 7 this morning… bands very quiet
  • 05/08/23 06:52 John Pumford-Green: QSO last night with SV8ANW - on YT @ https://youtu.be/YYNCK6KCKds?t=2341
  • 04/08/23 17:38 John Pumford-Green: nice CW bug-bug chat with Kees PA5XM on 30m
  • 31/07/23 07:26 John Pumford-Green: good QSO last night w/ G4WPS 80m cw.
  • 27/07/23 23:07 John Pumford-Green: ordered K2 & 160m module. No ETA yet, some parts still on backorder
  • 26/07/23 12:32 John Pumford-Green: email to Elecraft enquiring about expected availability of new K2 kits…
  • 22/07/23 12:05 John Pumford-Green: new paper journal now in use in shack
  • 22/07/23 09:28 John Pumford-Green: fighting the urge to order a K2 kit, they won't be around for ever, will they!
  • 18/07/23 09:34 John Pumford-Green: have been accepted into the Bug Users group!
  • 15/07/23 08:21 John Pumford-Green: CW chat last night with Hans DJ6AU (ex-MM0XAU) on 30m
  • 13/07/23 14:53 John Pumford-Green: Night of Nights Video uploaded to YouTube
  • 13/07/23 14:36 John Pumford-Green: thinking about /P operation - am I actually all that interested in it? Or am I more interested in sitting in a shed with all my junk around me, making a mess and a noise?
  • 13/07/23 08:56 John Pumford-Green: QSLs Rcvd : G0OER & G3SES
  • 12/07/23 15:06 John Pumford-Green: why do I get involved in online discussions? I should know better.
  • 11/07/23 08:17 John Pumford-Green: new Radio Diary page radio_diary
  • 03/07/23 21:56 John Pumford-Green: nice CW chat w/ Ian 2E0ISD on 30m
  • 29/06/23 13:23 John Pumford-Green: rejoined ARRL - won't be rejoining RSGB though….
  • 29/06/23 12:43 John Pumford-Green: renewed sub to QRP ARCI QRP-Quarterly
  • 29/06/23 12:41 John Pumford-Green: renewed my recently lapsed G-QRP-Club membership (#2377)
  • 29/06/23 11:07 John Pumford-Green: V/UHF antenna on chimney removed. 2m APRS turned off. I'm HF only from now on!
  • 29/06/23 07:50 John Pumford-Green: QRT500 on You Tube
  • 27/06/23 06:42 John Pumford-Green: had a good night on CW last night - highlights include G0GZN and G0IIK ragchews on 30m
  • 24/06/23 22:29 John Pumford-Green: highlight of the day, CW QSO w/ G3XIZ/Chris on 80m. Many years since my time on 500kHz
  • 24/06/23 22:28 John Pumford-Green: new Vibroplex Champion 1960 bug
  • 19/06/23 20:39 John Pumford-Green: Joined 30mCW wikidot group (I think)
  • 18/06/23 16:08 John Pumford-Green: Shack re-arranged to increase space for “operating” - esp. CW
  • 18/06/23 16:08 John Pumford-Green: repair to Rigol DS2102 'scope : Channel 1 input - burnt 62 ohm resistor (SMD) replaced with “normal” resistor. (Temp. fix?)
  • 18/06/23 16:07 John Pumford-Green: eBay “win” : Vibroplex Champion 1960 vintage
  • 13/06/23 22:20 John Pumford-Green: added Clublog “last 30” QSO page
  • 12/06/23 16:25 John Pumford-Green: Re-started using XLOG for QSO logging (as well as my paper log book) and exporting to LOTW
  • 12/06/23 14:17 John Pumford-Green: 2nd Bug QSO : DL8BCJ / Horst / Borkum / 40m… stil a bit wobbly on the bug sending…..
  • 12/06/23 13:02 John Pumford-Green: starting to use Vibroplex bug on the air again - 1st QSO 40m w/ OK2PAY (Lada/nr Brno)
  • 12/06/23 13:02 John Pumford-Green: re-joined FISTS (#17686)
  • 07/06/23 14:21 John Pumford-Green: learning the nanoVna….. !
  • 04/06/23 11:09 John Pumford-Green: 10m sloping dipole re-made for 12m band
  • 04/06/23 07:14 John Pumford-Green: Bought a NanoVNA-H4 @ Amazon.
  • 03/06/23 19:47 John Pumford-Green: SSB!! G0CNN / Ian / Darlington on 40m
  • 03/06/23 10:36 John Pumford-Green: 20W power limit experiment ended. Condx not up to it. Will stick to 50W in most cases, but up to 100W “when needed”
  • 03/06/23 10:34 John Pumford-Green: Knighttec Aviation headset - plug fitted for IC-7200, plus PTT
  • 31/05/23 16:12 John Pumford-Green: IC-706 - Ref. Osc freq. adjusted
  • 31/05/23 16:12 John Pumford-Green: IC-706 - FM Mod re-aligned
  • 28/05/23 16:17 John Pumford-Green: Shack re-arranged to fit possible new rig… IC-7200
  • 27/05/23 21:12 John Pumford-Green: TM-D710 Service Mode used to set High Power to 20W and Med Power to 10W
  • 27/05/23 14:22 John Pumford-Green: 17m SSB QSO NY2PO - Pat/NY. Is this my first 17m SSB QSO?
  • 26/05/23 21:42 John Pumford-Green: Almost-QSO with GR0ENJ, Dave/Brighton 10mFM 2100z
  • 26/05/23 05:47 John Pumford-Green: IC-706 / Z-817H ATU → 10m vertical for high HF bands
  • 23/05/23 06:04 John Pumford-Green: IC-M710 removed from shack
  • 22/05/23 19:52 John Pumford-Green: 20m SSB & 10m SSB QSO with MM0VIK/P
  • 22/05/23 11:25 John Pumford-Green: HF Power - plan to limit myself to 20W max
  • 21/05/23 16:13 John Pumford-Green: noise on 10m found to be 60A smpsu for M710, easy fix = turn it off
  • 21/05/23 16:11 John Pumford-Green: AnyTone Smart → van for 10mFM mobile
  • 21/05/23 16:11 John Pumford-Green: 10m antenna → sloping T2LT
  • 21/05/23 06:30 John Pumford-Green: 10m inverted V dipole on test (lower noise)
  • 20/05/23 05:49 John Pumford-Green: 10m vertical dipole on test
  • 20/05/23 05:48 John Pumford-Green: G90 back to 1.77
  • 12/05/23 19:13 John Pumford-Green: G90 Firmware Upgrade to 1.79b03/1.80Disp
  • 11/05/23 07:55 John Pumford-Green: 60m OLIVIA QSO w/ G4VLC
  • 10/05/23 23:06 John Pumford-Green: 2m FM QSO via GB3LU w/ MM0VIK/M
  • 06/05/23 14:13 John Pumford-Green: js8 call on 40m…. QSO with M6MKF
  • 03/05/23 08:02 John Pumford-Green: AllstarLink : monitoring #424611 : MilNet (bridged to DMR+ : 733)
  • 03/05/23 08:01 John Pumford-Green: DMR : DVSPhF : static TGs; 235, 733 and 842
  • 29/04/23 07:10 John Pumford-Green: GM4SLV-11 first spot 06:47z by DK4XI-30
  • 28/04/23 21:50 John Pumford-Green: GM4SLV-11 30m APRS from G90 @ 20W / TinyTrak3 on air 2150z
  • 28/04/23 18:30 John Pumford-Green: Allstar connected to Echolink as GM4SLV-L
  • 27/04/23 21:45 John Pumford-Green: GM4SLV-11 mobile APRS tracker under construction
  • 25/04/23 15:36 John Pumford-Green : GM4SLV-10 visible on APRS.fi
  • 25/04/23 15:35 John Pumford-Green : 30m APRS iGate active using Direwolf
  • 23/04/23 19:56 John Pumford-Green: Allstar Node GM4SLV 48148 running
  • 22/04/23 18:17 John Pumford-Green: split modes to separate hotspots…. Dvmega = YSF, Hotspot = DMR
  • 22/04/23 09:17 John Pumford-Green: New beginning… Pi-Star hotspot in service -Dual Mode : DMR Gateway with 3 Networks (BM, Phoenix, TGIF) and YSF
  • 07/12/22 07:03 John Pumford-Green: YSF Reflector installed! #36650, GB-GM4SLV, TEST
  • 04/12/22 08:36 John Pumford-Green: Echolink private Proxy running
  • 04/12/22 08:08 John Pumford-Green: Echolink enabled on Allstar Node
  • 04/12/22 08:06 John Pumford-Green: APRS → FT60, Allstar → FT8900
  • 04/12/22 08:06 John Pumford-Green: SVXLINK plan abandonned (for now)
  • 03/12/22 19:49 John Pumford-Green: Plan to change to SVXLINK for Analogue Gateway - on FT60R - coming soon?
  • 03/12/22 19:48 John Pumford-Green: APRS I-Gate moved back to FT8900
  • 30/11/22 11:00 John Pumford-Green: Hooked up the Vibroplex to the indoor-shack G90
  • 29/11/22 09:31 John Pumford-Green: APRS I-Gate GM4SLV moved to the standby FT60 handheld!
  • 29/11/22 09:30 John Pumford-Green: MB7AZE AllStar node is back online!
  • 28/11/22 19:25 John Pumford-Green: All Star next?
  • 26/11/22 21:17 John Pumford-Green: Feld Hell mode takes precedence!
  • 08/11/22 06:51 John Pumford-Green: Back on HF digimodes!
  • 22/10/22 07:55 John Pumford-Green: Trial - HF Weather FAX receive https://gm4slv.plus.com/wefax/
  • 10/10/22 23:03 John Pumford-Green: some YaddNet pages updated
  • 10/10/22 23:02 John Pumford-Green: a test
  • MB7AZE analogue gateway suspended.
  • HF X-gate into use VHF / HF X-Gate Project

Previous Entries

John Pumford-Green 03/06/22 00:49

  • JS8Call on 30m overnight. Hearing NG1P @ 23:49UTC

John Pumford-Green 30/05/22 15:08

  • fldigi / parrot suspended.
  • operation moved to JS8Call on 40m

=+=+=+=+=+ gm4slv (John Pumford-Green) 22/05/22 12:48:30 =+=+=+=+=+

Everything up and running after recent holiday:

=+=+=+=+=+ gm4slv (John Pumford-Green) Fri May 6 16:36:05 2022 =+=+=+=+=+

I've updated the signature to make it easier for stamping log entries ^


  • gm4slv (John Pumford-Green) Fri May 6 16:29:26 2022

Not much happening in the shack at the moment, too busy setting up DokuWiki and adding content.


04/05/24 07:07 BST

moved log to new wiki

GM4SLV-11 out of use Sunday 1/5/22. New SVXLink node GM4SLV on 144.600MHz installed at Lerwick connected to G4NAB's UK Reflector - monitoring TG8

=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Sat 23 Apr 2022 06:50:41 UTC

APRS iGate GM4SLV-2 running APRX

A secondary mini-iGate GM4SLV-11 installed at a strategic location in Lerwick running 2W from my old IC-2E and Direwolf software.

The Raspberry Pi Farm grows ever larger!

2m iGate : GM4SLV-2, TNC-Pi, APRX 70cm Analogue SVXLink gateway connected to SVX UK Portal OpenWebRx : Funcube Dongle Pro+ DMR Hotspot : PiStar 2m remote fill-in iGate : GM4SLV-11, soundcard/Direwolf

=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Sat 23 Apr 2022 06:46:07 UTC

Many changes…..

Analogue FM Gateway on 70cm : MB7AZE (attended operation only)

Initially using Allstar but decided to switch to SVXLINK and it's now connected to G4NAB's “SVXPORTAL” as well as to Echolink as MB7AZE-L

Fldigi parrot in occasional use - some changes to facilitate FLMSG relay

Some use of JS8Call on 40m.

DMR hotspot setup too on Brandmeister.

=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Sat 02 Apr 2022 13:01:53 UTC

Have got OpenWebRX running with my FUncube Dongle Pro+ At the moment the port forwarding isn't done to give access from outside, I need to finish configuring it…

Watch this space(again)…

=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Sat 02 Apr 2022 08:42:10 UTC

Found my Funcube Dongle P+ and also found that OpenWebRX supports them…. so…. I plan to make a Raspberry Pi OpenWebRX server - watch this space….

=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Sat 02 Apr 2022 06:34:25 UTC

Calling CQ on 60m (5366.5 dial) Olivia 16/500 Good signal @ G0EZY SDR

=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Fri 01 Apr 2022 21:49:26 UTC

Monitoring signal on 80m @ G0EZY's SDR - sounded quite strong. No sign at all of anything when I tried on 60m, band properly closed.

=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Fri 01 Apr 2022 21:48:16 UTC

CAlling CQ on 80m Olivia 3583 dial….

=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Fri 01 Apr 2022 18:58:29 UTC

blog updated w/ info abt 10mFM

=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Fri 01 Apr 2022 18:54:21 UTC

as an update on radio stuff: 10m mobile installed in the van. Will be monitoring 29.6MHz FM when /M and calling CQ as frequently as possible.

=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Fri 01 Apr 2022 18:53:06 UTC

that looks more useful I think.

=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Fri 01 Apr 2022 18:52:46 UTC

and now I've changed the form of the log timestamp

it goes BEFORE the entry, so reads better DOWNWARDS?

Best not to edit previous text in this log file. It's intended for simple write/save&stamp and move on to the next entry.

Fri 01 Apr 2022 05:41:02 UTC = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

More timestamp messing - too many places where I'm automating timestamping!

Fri 01 Apr 2022 05:39:48 UTC = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

THis is a new format (“%c”) for the shack.log file

Fri 01 Apr 2022 05:39:28 UTC = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

OK - there should now be a timestamp in the RX Text after 3600 seconds (60 minutes) Let's see how that looks?

Apr 01, 2022 05:05:15 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Removed the auto timestamp of the “Fldigi RX Buffer” capture, it's too distracting when trying to follow what's being decoded or sent ( the text obtained by reading the fldigi RX buffer also shows transmitted text which appears in RED on Fldigi's display) when the timestamps split the receive text up. Making the timetamps further apart to reduce the clutter doesn't really help, as it just means there's less information about time to the point that when it's “non-obtrusive” it becomes pointless to do it at all. Perhaps a one-hourly one, just to put a fixed point on the log, and to give conficdence that it's still alive? I'll give that a try…

Apr 01, 2022 05:00:57 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

That looks ok… now to just use it for timestamping my running log in the shack

Apr 01, 2022 04:54:23 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Now I've added an extra newline to the string that gets inserted, to separate out the datestamp from the preceding pre-existing text. Let's see how it looks after this entry.

Apr 01, 2022 04:53:23 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Well, it seems a little quirky on where it stamps the file, I think it's after the last place new text is added…?

Apr 01, 2022 04:51:37 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Starting a new format for this running log. Using a trick in vim to auto-insert a datestamp when it's saved (as a *.log file)

a line of the form: au BufWritePre *.log :normal“=strftime(“\n%b %d, %Y %X= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\n”) p

Apr 01, 2022 04:49:05 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thu 31 Mar 2022 06:03:24 UTC : Fldigi Parrot functions increased:

			: Simple "Echo" back to sender
			: Relay addressed to a 3rd Party
			: QSY to an arbitrary Frequency
			: Select from 4 preset power levels
			: Retrieve simple Info about station 
			: After being asked to "QSY?" to another frequency the station will return to "HOME" automatically 
			: after 5 minutes without any successful parrot-activity on the new frequency. 
			: Each "ZCZC/NNNN" message handled resets the 5 minute watchdog timer, allowing parrot operations
			: to go on for more than 5 minutes if wanted.
			: 5 minutes of inactivity (or un-reachability) will lead to the parrot
			: returning to its natural habitat of 60m OLIVIA 16/500
			: "HOME" is 5366.5kHz / Olivia 16/500 / 40W TX power.
			: Commands are sent follows ("Your Call" is G0XXX):
			: Command can be on ZCZC line (eg "ZCZC GM4SLV G0XXX" or on NEXT line,as per examples. 
			: Fist "command" must be MY callsign "GM4SLV", then your Callsign.
			: if no further commands are inclded the message will simply be repeated back addressed to your callsign.
			: 1) Simple "Echo":
			: ZCZC
			: Message to be relayed
			: Can be several lines of text
			: NNNN
			: 2) Relay to 3rd Party (G1YYY):
			: ZCZC
			: Message to be relayed
			: Can be several lines of text
			: NNNN
			: 3) QSY to another frequency:
			: ZCZC 
			: GM4SLV G0XXX QSY? 7042.0
			: NNNN
			: 4) QSY Home:
			: ZCZC 
			: NNNN
			: 5) Select a power (1 = 5W, 2 = 10W, 3 = 20W, 4 = 40W)
			: ZCZC 
			: GM4SLV G0XXX PWR? 2
			: NNNN
			: 6) Ask for information:
			: ZCZC 
			: NNNN
			: It would be possible to test the path on various bands by issuing "QSY?" command and then trying a simple "Echo" on the new
			: band. This might lead to the situation where my station is on a band that has no workable path and you lose contact. This is
			: dealt with by the "watchdog" timer that returns the station to "HOME" after 10 minutes. Once it returns to "HOME" you should
			: have access again (assuming the 5MHz path is useable).

Wed 30 Mar 2022 15:09:22 UTC : Fldigi receive text now available on website page, in almost real-time (approx 30 second

			: delay. Page auto-refreshes every 3 minutes. RX Text has a 5-minute timestamp that indicates
			: Time, Modem, Frequency and SNR (where possible) so you can identify roughly when a certain signal
			: was received.
			: http://gm4slv.plus.com:42110/pages/fldigi.html

Tue 29 Mar 2022 07:19:23 UTC : new VHF APRS I-Gate in place in Lerwick : GM4SLV-10

			: using my old IC-2E handheld from 1984, a TinyTrak4 KISS TNC and a Raspberry Pi running APRX
			: as a "fill-in" digi and iGate for the town centre

Tue 29 Mar 2022 07:18:01 UTC : Listening 60m for Olivia (dial 5366.5)

Tue 29 Mar 2022 07:11:46 UTC : revisiting my xmlrpc / python tests with fldigi - a message relay “parrot”. Possibly

			: extend it to message store/retrieve functionality. 

Tue 29 Mar 2022 07:10:55 UTC : JS8 is disappointing w.r.t. message handling.

			: Might leave it alone for a while

Mon 21 Mar 2022 22:07:17 UTC : Some life on 30m JS8 - USA stations respoded to my @HB. sent MSG to NG1P (his INFO says he's running 3W) and got ACK back.

			: Also got ACK for MSG left @ K2MJ on 30m
			: then a 2-way QSO w/ K2MJ/Karl/Buffalo

Mon 21 Mar 2022 12:19:31 UTC : testing remote VNC-over-ssh-tunnel access to JS8Call from on-site at Bressay!

Mon 21 Mar 2022 06:27:08 UTC : JS8 40m msg in from KG6WOX in California! Peter. Good signal here -01dB. Trying return msg, but struggling to

			: reach him I think.

Sun 20 Mar 2022 16:44:19 UTC : Winlink ARDOP 2000 RMS connection with HB9AK on 30m to receive an email from G4VLC. ARDOP 2000 is very speedy and on a

			: good signal is "fast enough". Difficult to find a usable Winlink RMS today - bands full of RTTY contest stations
			: and 30m has IO0WRTC on RTTY right where it's most inconvenient!

Sun 20 Mar 2022 16:41:53 UTC : JS8CALL 40m - strange callsign X2SUTR seen several times, and by several people (so it's not a phantom decode?)

			: have added it to the blacklists to prevent auto-responses, heartbeat replies and PSKreporter spotting. 
			: there seems to be a few piratical callsigns on JS8Call?!

Sun 20 Mar 2022 08:29:38 UTC : JS8call - on 40m, auto - all functions active….

Sun 20 Mar 2022 07:55:50 UTC : trying to automate a few web-server and logging related things, to start in tmux session @reboot….

Sun 20 Mar 2022 07:38:56 UTC : new igate logging using dixprs's UDP output and a python UDP handler to take the data and parse it

			: and write it to a text file. Each day's file is stored at midnight

Thu 17 Mar 2022 07:36:48 UTC : JS8Call 40m QSO : KL3R in Fairbanks Alaska!

Wed 16 Mar 2022 00:43:00 UTC : JS8Call on 40m overnight.

Tue 15 Mar 2022 08:36:15 UTC : JS8call expts. continue.2 x msgs recevied from KG6WOX in California on 40m! Some relay and message tests.

			: Will continue to run JS8Call 24/7 on either 40m or 20m (with occasional breaks for other things like a bit of QRP CW)
			: anyone reading this - please feel free to do whatever tests via my JS8Call stn as you want & leave messages etc.)

Mon 14 Mar 2022 06:57:16 UTC : JS8 auto band switch times : 40m = 06:00 → 21:00 / 80m = 21:00 → 06:00. HF Condx quite poor K > 4

Mon 14 Mar 2022 06:55:19 UTC : js8call → 40m. left msg @ OH8STN. Sent GRID via @APRSIS. Have tested APRSIS email and SMS also. Blog post next?

Sun 13 Mar 2022 18:14:23 UTC : initiated automatic band switching in JS8Call : 40m 07:00-19:00 and 80m 19:00-07:00 : thinking about a 60m frequency too…?

Sun 13 Mar 2022 14:32:35 UTC : excellent JS8call QSO with Andreas, DJ3EI - practicing message store/collect etc.

Sun 13 Mar 2022 08:08:17 UTC : js8call running on 40m using IC-M710, 15W and longwire (inverted-L). Please feel free to use it for relay/messages.

Sun 13 Mar 2022 08:09:57 UTC : hf/vhf x-gate operation suspended.

Sun 13 Mar 2022 08:10:13 UTC : APRS i-gate GM4SLV-2 active on 144.8MHz using FT8900 & RPi/TNC-Pi. Running DIXPRS software

public/radio/log.txt · Last modified: 04/05/24 07:07 BST by john